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Thursday, February 3, 2011


The Big Payoff of Super Bowl XLV

The big game could help lure relocation-minded companies to North Texas—and pump more than $600 million into the local economy.

The numbers keep getting bigger and bigger: $300 million, $400 million, $500 million, $600 million or more. Throw around figures like that, especially in an economy still stuck in neutral, and you’ll get eyes opening wider, businesspeople adjusting their ties and sitting up straighter in their chairs.
Such is the power of the potential bonanza that awaits North Texas as a result of Super Bowl XLV on Feb. 6. The payoff includes not just a one-time infusion of money, but the game’s longterm potential to portray Dallas-Fort Worth globally as a dynamic business market that would make an ideal home for relocating corporations.    

Make no mistake: we’re talking about a serious influx of cash carried by the tens of thousands of visitors who will descend upon the region early next year. Hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues, taxi companies, rental car agencies, and a host of enterprising entrepreneurs have already begun plotting how they too can grab a piece of this pie. 

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